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Founder Chairman and Senior Principal

Dr.N.Vijayan M.A, M.Sc., M.Ed., M.L, Ph.D an Ex-Indian Air Force Personnel is the Founder Chairman and Senior Principal of Zion & Alwin Group of schools. He holds double doctorate degrees, one on social work that was conferred by the International Bible College and the second is on Education by Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli. With more than three decades of teaching experience, he guides and leads all the teachers and he is a Mentor and a role model not only to the teachers but also to the students. According to him, teaching is the noblest service under the sky. He authored and edited several text books, especially, he chaired the committee for Std. X Physics text book under the Tamil Nadu Matriculation Syllabus and authored the Std. XI and Std. XII Physics text books of the former syllabus. Dr.N.Vijayan spent his early years serving in the warfront areas in various capacities. In his 15 year tenure in the Air Force, he received medals for his distinguished service. After his commendable service in Indian Air Force, his passion for teaching and ambition to become a teacher was finally fulfilled by opening a school in the name of ‘Vijay’s Nursery School’ with 2 teachers including Mr. N.Vijayan and 11 tiny tots. The school rose to greater heights in terms of standard and strength.

Dr. N. Vijayan is a constant supporter and an inspiration to the teaching faculty of Zion and Alwin Group of Schools. Our Teachers and Students are reaching greater heights under the constant guidance and care provided by him.

Chairman receives National Best Teacher Award from the golden hands of Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam.

The Chairman receives State Best Teacher Award - honoured by Honourable School Education Minister

The chairman is awarded Ph.D degree by His Excellency the Governor of Tamil Nadu in the presence of The President of India, Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam.

Honourable School Education Minister, Mr. Anbil Mahesh Poyyamozhi is inducted as Patron of The Bharat Scouts & Guides, TamilNadu. State Treasurer, Dr. N. Vijayan handing over the rules book.

Our Chairman Dr.N. Vijayan was honoured with a "Mani magudam" by the honourable Health Minister Thiru Ma.Subramanian for his commitment to education.

Dr. N. Vijayan in a group photo with former Prime Minister of India, Dr. Manmohan Singh at the National Best Teacher Award Function.

The Chairman receives the prestigious Sliver Star Award for community services from Mrs. Pratibha Devisingh Patil

State Treasurer, The Bharat Scouts & Guides, Dr.N.Vijayan, welcomes the Honourable School Education Minister

Chairman with the Commissioner of Police, Tambaram

Our Chairman Dr.N. Vijayan was honoured with "Vivekanandha Award - Life Time Achievement Award" by Mr. Gagandeep Singh, Director - EK Updesh Media.

Message to the parents and students

Dear Parents,

As a good and responsible parent, you are already providing food, clothing, shelter, facilities for entertainment, holiday recreation, expenses and education etc., to your ward. All these make your ward happy and content. To make all this meaningful and for your ward's future constructively and permanently secured, you have to understand the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual needs and increase their self-confidence and self esteem. Like a farmer who prepares the field for the young plant, the parent must prepare a contributive atmosphere at home for the child's academic pursuit. Bonding with each member of your family is as important as bonding with your ward. Any ill-feelings within the family, even if it is not directed towards your ward, can cause serious negative reaction and in turn affect the academic performance. A child who is happy at home will undoubtedly be happy at school and therefore enjoys his/her learning and performs well. On the other hand, a child from an unfriendly and disturbed home is unsettled in the class room whose process of learning becomes a struggle and often a failure.

A parent's schedule has to provide a slot to cater to the ward's requirements. The requirement may vary from a pleasant pastime with 'MOM AND DAD' and to a more serious need of sharing with you - a fear, an unhappy situation, a doubt or a problem. Do not discourage your ward from opening up to you. Many adolescents who have crossed that difficult period without tension and fear of examination have excelled in life as their parents always "listened".

Be involved in your child's activities. Get to know how your ward spends his /her time and be familiar with all his /her activities. Update yourself regularly with his/her progress in the classroom, performance in the examination, peer group in the school and social activities in the neighbourhood. This is possible only if you maintain a friendly relationship with your ward who will repose his/her confidence and trust in you. A caring parent is the best friend a child can ever have, whereas, an uncaring parent is the worst enemy.

Incase your child is sick, please do not send him/her to the school until the ailment is completely cured.

Now, a new threat that we face is from the corona virus. Adequate care to be taken by you to follow the golden rules SMS (Sanitizing, Mask & Social distancing). Mask, it is a lifesaving device to be worn by everyone whenever we step out.

Dear parents, you are all there in my daily prayers that God Almighty will safeguard you from the deadly virus.

Dear Children,

The theme of the year is “Curiosity Courage Confidence”

Let the flame of ' Curiosity' to search for knowledge burn bright inside you. This flame will lead you to a path to attain enough 'Courage' to face the outside challenging world, overcome hurdles and shatter obstacles to attain your goals with utmost 'Confidence' .

You should realize the value of your life and I am sure you will turn out to be a great person in future and hence any local issues should not disturb and distract your emotional stability. Be cool and allow time to settle the issues and do not be carried away by impulsive decisions. Be sportive and positive in case any correction is made on you by your parents/teachers. Be reminded of the fact that the future world is awaiting the great person in you so do not give room for any negative feelings, or thoughts to suppress the great personality in you.


The main purpose of organizing community service is to create empathy in the minds of the students with the fellow human beings and the Management provides opportunities to both the parents and the students to achieve this.

Chairman handing over a cheque towards the Gujarat earthquake relief fund to the Chief Secretary of Tamil Nadu.

12,000 masks donated to the police force during the pandemic by the Chairman Dr. N. Vijayan, Vice-Chairman Mr. Aldous Huxley and the Director, Mrs. Rachal Georgiana.

Our Vice-Chairman, Mr. V. Aldous Huxley and Director Mrs. Rachal Georgiana Huxley accompanied the Chairman Dr. N. Vijayan in the noble gesture of handing over a DD for Rs.25 Lakhs to Mr. Pinarayi Vijayan for the Kerala Chief Minister’s Distress Relief Fund on 27th September, 2018.

Good Samaritan Dr.N.Vijayan along with the CEO and DEO as they flagged off a truck load of relief items to the people affected by the Gaja Cyclone.

Veneration for the front line workers by the Chairman in the presence of Retd. Air Vice Marshal S. Swaminathan

Chairman Dr. N. Vijayan and the Administrative officer Mr. N. Paul Raj donating provisions and household goods to the people affected by floods in Chennai.

Click on the logo to view our other schools

Alwin Memorial Public School, Selaiyur

Zion Mat. Hr. Sec. School, Selaiyur

Zion International Public School, Mappedu

Zion Mat. Hr. Sec. School, Madambakkam

Zion Mat. Hr. Sec. School, Sembakkam

Alwin International Public School, Padappai

Admission Update

  •  Admissions are closed for the current academic year 2021 – 2022.
  • Parent Portal for Online registration for admissions for the academic year 2022 – 2023 will open with effect from 3rd January 2022 (Monday).